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Rent lease is month-to-month.  


Rent is due on the first of each month.  If it is not received by the eighth of the month, a $75.00 late fee will be added


A security deposit is required and it will be the same amount as your monthly rent.  It will be due at time of signing lease.  ​


No smoking is allowed in the units, porches, laundry rooms or within 25 feet of any door or window.  Smoking in the building is cause for eviction.  Smoke smell travels throughout the building and into other units.  â€‹Cigarette butts must be disposed of properly


Renters pay for their own heat/electricity.  Renters must show proof that electricity (and gas) for their unit is in their name before moving in


Landlord will pay for water/sewer, trash pick-up, snow-plowing, yard maintenance



Consumers Energy

Phone: 800-477-5050





No pets are allowed.  If you have pets, that is cause for eviction.


There are coin-operated washers and dryers on site at the Fourth Street Apartments only 


Appliances included:  range, refrigerator, microwave


We recommend that you obtain renters insurance.  Tenant should have liability insurance and personal property insurance that covers you against fire, theft, and vandalism. 


The owner of the building is NOT responsible for tenant's belongings


Welcome to your new apartment


How do I handle repairs that may be needed?

First, you must notify us of any repairs, no matter how minor they may seem.  The responsibility of the repair will be determined by the terms of your lease.  In the event that the landlord is responsible for the repairs, please be aware that all repairs will be prioritized and emergencies will be handled first.  Make sure that all repairs are reported in a timely manner.  Remember that an ignored repair may become a large project, therefore subjecting you to a large expense.  Any repair which goes unreported, thereby causing further damage to the leased premises or that of a neighboring unit, may be construed as a nuisance and will be handled as such.  This type of neglect will incur further charges to your account and may change the liability of the repair and subsequent repairs.  We must have access to the leased premises to perform any repairs or maintenance.


What if my rent is late?

Your rent is due and expected on the first day of each month.  Payment not received on time will be subject to a $75.00 late fee for apartments. Late payments may result in legal measures that may lead to your eviction.



If you smoke in the unit, you will lose your entire security deposit, and may be evicted.


What do I do if I lose my key?

It is important that you take care of your entrance keys.  Occasionally, you may find yourself locked out.  If this occurs, there will be a $10.00 charge.  There will be a $75.00 charge for lost keys.


Why do I need renter’s insurance?

Under most circumstances the landlord is not responsible for your personal property.  It is important to have renter’s insurance to cover your belongings in the event of an unforeseen disaster.  This type of insurance is inexpensive and well worth it.


What if I am having a problem or concern with a neighbor?

It is important to try to get along with your neighbors.  If you have a problem or concern with a neighbor, it is usually best to try to resolve the problem amongst yourselves.  Refrain from using foul language or engaging in verbal arguments.  If you are unable to resolve the problem, feel free to contact us or the local authorities.


Can I make changes or improvements to the leased premises, such as painting or landscaping? 



It is important to read the lease thoroughly and ask questions about anything that you may not understand.  Below are some additional important guidelines to follow:

  • It is important to keep the leased premises in a clean, sanitary and safe condition.

  • We will perform inspections during the year.

  • Make sure to check the batteries in the smoke detectors periodically to ensure the safety of your family.

  • Open flames are not allowed  (candles, etc.)

  • Do not give or loan your keys to anyone not listed on the lease.

  • Be considerate of your neighbors.  Some may work different shifts.   


Save Energy in Your Home and other tips


  • If there is an air conditioner for your unit, we will install in the spring, and remove for the winter.  

  • Keep all vents (air conditioning, heating and/or exhaust) free from debris and remove any item that blocks the flow of air.  If you have curtains in your unit, they must be at least 6 inches from the heater.  They can be a fire hazard if too close to the heater, and will discolor the heater.  Do not block vents or heaters with furniture.  Please vacuum your heaters before heating season starts.  Dirt and dust accumulate then burns and creates a black soot-like substance on the walls.  Cooking, smoking and candles can also contribute to this.  Please do not burn candles.  They cause black soot on the windows and walls.

  • For every degree you lower your heat, you save up to 5% in heating costs.  At night, turn the heat down to 65°, but never turn your thermostat below 50° when the home is unoccupied. 

  • Winter:  open window coverings in the daytime to let the sun heat your home and close them at sundown to insulate.

  • Keep doors and windows closed to keep the air/heat inside.  Lock your windows so they will seal better.  DO not attach the plastic coverings to windows.  It will damage the paint, and you will be responsible for the damage.

  • Turn off lights and shut the doors in unoccupied rooms.

  • Rearrange your furniture so you are sitting by interior walls.  The temperature is more constant on interior walls.

  • Use as much natural light as possible.

  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs.  

  • Turn kitchen and bathroom ventilating fans off after cooking and bathing.

  • Turn off your computer and monitor when not in use.

  • Vacuum the coils of your refrigerator several times a year and leave enough room behind and on the sides of the unit for air to circulate.

  • Over 2/3 of your water heating costs are from showers, cut your shower time in half to save up to 33%.

  • Use cold water to wash, and reduce the washer’s energy use by 75%.  Keep the lint trap in the dryer clean.  This also helps to prevent fires.  Please do not overload the washer.  It causes the agitator to break.

  • Dumpster:  Please put ALL garbage in a closed garbage bag. 

  • Pictures, do not use mollies.  Use the pictures hangers.

  • Please try to keep the walls and doors in the hallway clean. 

  • If you place furniture close to the walls, please put a pad behind it. For example, a dresser. 

     Buy the felt chair leg pads and put on the back. This stops from marking up the walls.

  • Use only cold water in the garbage disposal.  What not to put down the disposal:  pasta, rice, bread, grains, onion skins, seafood shells, pits, seeds, nuts, shells, grease, fat, oil, chicken skin, potato skins.  Run cool water and add your garbage SLOWLY, when it is done grinding, turn off the disposal and let the cool water run for a few more seconds.  



Click here for a Mold Prevention Booklet


Click here for a Lead Paint Booklet


Some of the minimum repair damage/fines charged as follows:


Replace door or door jamb, minimum of $200.00

Replace lockset minimum of $200.00.  Do not give your keys to anyone other than your roommate

Replace broken window, minimum of $150.00

Window blinds, cost of blinds plus $50.00 for installation

Window screens, minimum of $50.00

Holes kicked or punched in walls or ceilings, minimum of $100.00 per hole

Nail holes or sticker damage, minimum of $10.00 per hole

Burns or holes in flooring, minimum of $25.00 each

Snake clogged drains, minimum of $100.00

Remedy smoke smell - you forfeit your entire security deposit

Excessive filth, minimum of $100.00

Court paperwork filed for eviction, minimum of $50.00 

Other items will be at cost plus any handling and labor costs


If you cause issues, you will be asked to leave or face possible eviction.


  • Non -Payment of Rent

  • Extensive damage to property

  • Health Hazards

  • Illegal activities

  • Excessive noise

  • Pets in unit

  • Disturbing the neighbors

  • Smoking in building





TWB Roscommon Investments, LLC

PO Box 175, Roscommon, MI  48653

989-240-1481  -  989-240-1479

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